Thursday, March 31, 2016

Feng Shui Parlor Square or Rectangular

Your parlor ought to be square or rectangular fit as a fiddle and the furniture ought to be put in order to break contradicting straight lines. This will enable Chi to stream tenderly through a room. Recesses and dead areas can be said a final farewell to the situation of plants, expansive things of furniture or fish tanks. 

Level roofs are best to advance the stream of Chi. If, be that as it may, you have a slanted roof or uncovered pillars you should use Windchimes or bamboo woodwinds as a cure. 

Many parlors are neighboring lounge areas or kitchens and in these cases it is best to have a visual obstruction put between them, for example, a screen or huge plants. If you have doors in the middle of, attempt to keep them shut. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Your 2016 Detailed Scope for Aries 21.3-20.4

21.3-31.3: You control things stunningly, the sky places you in a triumphant position; hop over obstructions, you have the way to do it. 

1.4-10.4: The sky is constantly shaded by the stripping impacts of the planet Pluto; use its underground powers to exchange your old feelings of trepidation. 

11.4-20.4: The divine mechanics makes you short scale and sends you reviving energies; it is with rising confidence that you proceed with this week.