Saturday, November 24, 2018

Symbolism of Plants: Special Meanings

Acacia Tree: Permanence 

Apricot: Fruitfulness 

Aspidistra: Fortitude 

Bamboo: Youth, Perseverance and good fortunes 

Begonia: Perfect Yin/Yang Balance 

Cherry: Fruitfulness 

Camellia: Evergreen

Chrysanthemum: Endurance and long life 

Cypress: Nobility 

Delphinium: Consolidation 

Blooms: Wealth 

Gardenia: Strength 

Hibiscus: Profusion 

Hydrangea: Achievement 

Jasmine: Friendship 

Juniper: Tolerance 

Lilies: Profusion 

Lotus: Perseverance 

Magnolia: Fragrance 

Elderly person: Longevity 

Orange: Wealth 

Orchid: Patience and perseverance 

Peach: Friendship 

Pear: Long life 

Peony: Wealth 

Pine Tree: Longevity 

Plum: Beauty and youth 

Pomegranate: Fertility 

Red Happiness: Prosperity 

Rhododendron: Delicacy 

Rose: Beauty 

Water lily: Fortitude 

Willow: Grace 

Wisteria: Beauty 

If everything gets to much our inhabitant feng shui advisor Barbara is constantly prepared 

to offer professional counsel on all parts of feng shui 

More Symbolism for the Garden 

Bats: favorable luck 

Winged animals: Happiness 

Deer: Good fortunes and Wealth 

Mythical beast: Strength and Authority 

Elephant: Strength and wisdom 

Fish: Success and bounty 

Steed: Endurance 

Lion: Strength and Majesty 

Phoenix: Gracefulness and wisdom 

Rocks: Endurance 

Sky: Heavenly endowments 

Sun: Health and joy 

Tiger: Strength and stamina 

Unicorn: Power and position 

Vase: Peacefulness 

Water: Wealth and great favors 

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